Each year after the Holiday Craziness I usually take a few days to regroup the first week in January. That includes doing a clean up in my shop, putting tools back in their rightful holders and sorting out the scraps of wood that get out of control as I try to get the holiday orders out.

It gives you a bit of a break from production and as you sort through your wood and look around at your tools you appreciate how really fortunate you are. The whole exercise helps you think ahead, of new things you want to make as well as a chance to play around with ideas that are always rolling around in your head.
I think the workhorse of my shop needs a good scrub down

The chisel racks are all full again, each one in it's space waiting to be sharpened on the stones and ready to work again.

This corner has a window frame that was salvaged from the large brick home known here as the Acorn House which was sadly torn down about 10 years ago. I just didn't have the heart to let it rot so it frames in one of my tool boards.

Still lots of things that could should be stored away but this is a working shop and believe it or not I tend to know each and every started project, piece of wood that is here!

An empty workbench is the most inviting thing to welcome you each morning as you open the door.

Our Maya is happy that her bed is still under the table and close to the door so she is aware of everyone who comes and goes.